SIde-Channel Analysis toolKit (SICAK)
Software toolkit for side-channel analysis
include Directory Reference


file  blockprocess.h [code]
 Block processing plugin interface for use e.g. in prep.
file  chardevice.h [code]
 Character device plugin interface for use e.g. in meas.
file  configloader.hpp [code]
 This header file contains configuration loader and parser used by the sicak utilities.
file  cpacorreval.h [code]
 Correlation matrix evaluation plugin interface for use e.g. in correv.
file  cpaengine.h [code]
 CPA computation plugin interface for use e.g. in stan.
file  cpakeyeval.h [code]
 Keyguess evaluation plugin interface for use e.g. in correv.
file  exceptions.hpp [code]
 This header file contains exceptions.
file  filehandling.hpp [code]
 This header file contains function templates for loading/storing defined types.
file  global_calls.hpp [code]
 This header file contains global routines.
file  measurement.h [code]
 Measurement scenario plugin interface for use e.g. in meas.
file  oscilloscope.h [code]
 Oscilloscope plugin interface for use e.g. in meas.
file  tracesprocess.h [code]
 Traces processing plugin interface for use e.g. in prep.
file  ttestengine.h [code]
 t-test computation plugin interface for use e.g. in stan
file  types_basic.hpp [code]
 This header file contains class templates of basic data containers.
file  types_power.hpp [code]
 This header file contains class templates of power traces and power consumption containers.
file  types_stat.hpp [code]
 This header file contains class templates of statistical computational contexts.