29 #ifndef OSCILLOSCOPE_H 30 #define OSCILLOSCOPE_H 80 virtual void init(
const char * filename) = 0;
94 virtual void setTiming(
float & preTriggerRange,
float & postTriggerRange,
size_t & samples,
size_t & captures) = 0;
96 virtual void run() = 0;
98 virtual void stop() = 0;
101 virtual size_t getCurrentSetup(
size_t & samples,
size_t & captures) = 0;
106 virtual size_t getValues(
int channel, int16_t * buffer,
size_t len,
size_t & samples,
size_t & captures) = 0;
110 #define Oscilloscope_iid "cz.cvut.fit.Sicak.OscilloscopeInterface/1.0" virtual QString getPluginName()=0
Plugin name.
virtual QString queryDevices()=0
Query available devices.
Bandwidth limit of the oscilloscope channel.
Definition: oscilloscope.h:59
virtual void setChannel(int &channel, bool &enabled, Coupling &coupling, Impedance &impedance, int &rangemV, int &offsetmV, BandwidthLimiter &bwLimit)=0
Set the channel settings, real values may be returned by driver to the references.
virtual void setTiming(float &preTriggerRange, float &postTriggerRange, size_t &samples, size_t &captures)=0
Set the timing settings, real values may be returned by driver to the references: e....
virtual QString getPluginInfo()=0
Plugin info.
Edge slope of the oscilloscope trigger.
Definition: oscilloscope.h:66
virtual void deInit()=0
Deinitialize the plugin.
virtual void stop()=0
Stop the oscilloscope.
This header file contains class templates of power traces and power consumption containers.
Coupling of the oscilloscope channel.
Definition: oscilloscope.h:47
virtual void setTrigger(int &sourceChannel, float &level, TriggerSlope &slope)=0
Set the trigger settings, real values may be returned by driver to the references.
Impedance of the oscilloscope channel.
Definition: oscilloscope.h:53
Oscilloscope QT plugin interface.
Definition: oscilloscope.h:42
virtual size_t getCurrentSetup(size_t &samples, size_t &captures)=0
Returns current samples/captures settings.
virtual void run()=0
Run the oscilloscope: wait for trigger when triggered, otherwise capture immediately.
A class representing a Matrix with 'noOfTraces' power traces, with 'samplesPerTrace' samples per powe...
Definition: types_power.hpp:44
virtual void init(const char *filename)=0
Initialize the plugin.
virtual void unsetTrigger()=0
Unset the trigger.
virtual size_t getValues(int channel, PowerTraces< int16_t > &traces)=0
Downloads values from the oscilloscope, first waits for the aquisition to complete.