SIde-Channel Analysis toolKit (SICAK)
Software toolkit for side-channel analysis
Classes | Functions
SICAK data types and manipulation functions


class  DataType
 A base abstract class, representing all the data types. More...
class  ArrayType< T >
 An abstract class, representing all the array-like data types. More...
class  VectorType< T >
 An abstract class, representing all the vector-like data types. More...
class  MatrixType< T >
 An abstract class, representing all the matrix-like data types. More...
class  StructuredType
 An abstract class, representing all the structured data types. More...
class  ComputationalContext< T >
 An abstract class, representing all the computational contexts. More...
class  Vector< T >
 A class representing a vector, stored in the machine's free space. More...
class  Matrix< T >
 A class representing a matrix, stored in the machine's free space. More...
class  PowerTraces< T >
 A class representing a Matrix with 'noOfTraces' power traces, with 'samplesPerTrace' samples per power trace. More...
class  PowerPredictions< T >
 A class representing a Matrix with 'noOfTraces' power predictions, with 'noOfCandidates' key candidates per prediction. More...
class  UnivariateContext< T >
 A class representing a Two-population Univariate Moment-based statistical context. More...


std::fstream openOutFile (const char *filename)
 Opens filestream for writing.
std::fstream openInFile (const char *filename)
 Opens filestream for reading.
void closeFile (std::fstream &fs)
 Flushes and closes the filestream.
template<class T >
void fillArrayFromFile (std::fstream &fs, ArrayType< T > &arr)
 Fills array from file, based on the given Array's size.
template<class T >
Vector< T > loadPowerTraceFromFile (std::fstream &fs, size_t samplesPerTrace, size_t trace)
 Loads a power trace from file, based on parameters given.
template<class T >
Vector< T > loadCorrelationTraceFromFile (std::fstream &fs, size_t samplesPerTrace, size_t noOfCandidates, size_t matrix, size_t candidate)
 Loads a correlation trace from file, based on parameters given.
template<class T >
Vector< T > loadTValuesFromFile (std::fstream &fs, size_t samplesPerTrace)
 Loads a t-values trace from file, based on parameters given.
template<class T >
void writeArrayToFile (std::fstream &fs, const T *buffer, size_t len)
 Writes array to file.
template<class T >
void writeArrayToFile (std::fstream &fs, const ArrayType< T > &arr)
 Writes array to file.
template<class T >
UnivariateContext< T > readContextFromFile (std::fstream &fs)
 Reads context from file, based on the context's file format.
template<class T >
void writeContextToFile (std::fstream &fs, const UnivariateContext< T > &ctx)
 Writes context to file.

Detailed Description