SICAK: SIde-Channel Analysis toolKit
Sicak is a side-channel analysis toolkit, consisting of following text-based utilities:
- meas: Measurement utility, useful e.g. for controlling a cryptographic device and oscilloscope
- prep: Pre-processing utility, useful e.g. for pre-processing power traces or e.g. for creating power predictions based on plain-/cipher-text
- stan: Statistical utility, useful e.g. for correlation-based (CPA) attacks or t-tests
- correv: Correlation Evaluation utility, useful for algorithmic evaluation of the CPA attack
- visu: Visualisation utility, useful e.g. for plotting power/correlation traces or t-values
See more
- 02/27/2020 - Release 1.2.1: bugfixes, tweaks, arbitrary higher-order analysis support
- 01/18/2019 - Release 1.0.1: bugfixes, added SmartCard support
- 12/25/2018 - First release 1.0
Petr Socha, petrsocha(at), sochapet(at)
Vojtěch Miškovský, miskovoj(at)
Department of Digital Design
Faculty of Information Technology
Czech Technical University in Prague